Get in shape and stay in shape without the long-term need for weight loss medications. At NuImage we offer a unique program that can target all areas of the body combining the latest popular fat reduction medications like Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro with our best fat eliminating procedures.
A major concern, that goes undiscussed, is that rapid weight loss from semaglutides medications like Ozempic and Wegovy cause a decrease in muscle mass, lessen bone density, and lower your resting metabolic rate. With semaglutide use for weight reduction it is estimated that for every 1lb of weight lost, 20-25% of that is loss of lean body mass and only 75% actual fat loss. See the video below for more information. Being on these medications too long can leave patients appearing gaunt, and frail with skin laxity - often referred to as “Ozempic Face”. Our new program leads to sustainable permanent fat loss with muscle preservation. Prior to starting we identify and schedule the primary target areas for permanent fat loss. The goal is to be leaner but not gaunt and frail.
Everybody is different as far as the time it takes to achieve their goals but overall we see many meet their goals within a few short months. Most importantly, with permanent fat elimination, the intent is to not require long term dependency on these drugs, minimizing side effects, and moving forward with a healthier happier lifestyle. Our preferred medication is Tirzepatide (the generic equivalent of Mounjaro). Individuals taking Mounjaro were 3x as likely to lose 15% or more of total body weight, compared to those taking a semaglutide (like Ozempic or Wegovy). Which medication we use is ultimately up to the patient and at NuImage we tailor our weight loss and body sculpting program specifically for you.
THE body Perfect program
Comprehensive Permanent Weight Loss and Body Sculpting